I offer remote humanistic counselling via video and/or telephone.
What is video counselling?
Video counselling is a form of talking therapy that takes place over a Video call. The main platforms I use for this are Microsoft Teams and Whatsapp, depending on your needs. For Teams I will send you an invitation for the meeting and when you join you will be placed in a waiting room until the meeting starts at the allocated time. For WhatsApp I will video call you at the allocated time. Video counselling sessions last for 50 minutes. I will ensure that I am in a private space where we won’t be overheard, and away from any distractions.
Being able to see your counsellor gives you more of the benefits that you would normally get from face to face counselling, but with the accessibility of online therapy. By talking you hear tone of voice which is one way to convey empathy, but by video you see non-verbal communications such as facial expressions too.
If for some reason the internet connection is lost, I will rejoin the meeting straight away and wait for you to rejoin. If the issue means that we cannot connect to the video call, I will phone you and give you the option to do the session over the telephone.
There may be times when we decide to work with visual aids such as a worksheet or completing a timeline together. In these instances, I will either share my screen with you or send you a copy of the visual aid via email or WhatsApp.
You will need to ensure that you also have a private space to attend the session from. It is important that this is somewhere that you won’t be overheard. It is also important that it is somewhere you can be comfortable (a comfy chair to sit in, not too hot or too cold) and with minimal distractions. This will enable us to carry out deep therapeutic work together in a safe way.
What is telephone counselling?
Telephone counselling is a form of psychological therapy that takes place over a telephone call. I will call you at the allocated time and the session will last for 50 minutes. For the duration of the call, I will give you my full attention. I will ensure that I am in a private space where I won’t be overheard, and away from any distractions. If for some reason the connection is lost, I will call you back straight away. In cases where there is an issue with my network provider, I will call you from a private number, on a different network.
There may be times when we decide to work with visual aids such as a worksheet or completing a timeline together. In these instances, I will send you a copy of this via email or WhatsApp.
You will need to ensure that you also have a private space to attend the session from. It is important that this is somewhere that you wont be overheard. It is also important that it is somewhere you can be comfortable (a comfy chair to sit in, not too hot or too cold) and with minimal distractions. This will enable us to carry out deep therapeutic work together in a safe way.